Halloween is fast approaching. Witches, Superheros and Unicorns. The list is endless when it comes to Halloween costumes. What are you going as this year? Do you have your costume yet? If not, here are some Halloween ideas to give you some inspiration on what you and your hair can dress up as.
You can never go wrong with the old school mummy costume. The reason why it still holds popularity in 2019 is because of the movies, TV shows and its also an easier DIY costume to creative and put together. There are so many options depending on the look you are going for. Are you looking for something a little more creative and sexy, or are you looking for more creepy and dark?
When it comes to your hair with this costume, there are some who wrap their whole head hiding all their hair, some don't cover their head at all, and some wrap themselves like a headband and work around the skull exposing some hair. You can tease this hair to look even messier like you just woke from a 3000 year sleep, to colour spraying it to match your costume.
The reason why Poison Ivy is still so popular today is because of the striking colours and she is a pretty bad girl. Cosplay is very popular. She also has the look of a forest fairy. Who doesn't want to play that part sometimes. This look can be achieved with a wig for who don't want to or can't colour. If you are blessed with having this colour on your head, its easier to style with just a curling iron and some hair spray. You can find this costume online easily or be creative and make it a DIY project!
Everyone's favorite Nanny, Mary Poppins; a magical and loving woman who descends from the clouds! A fun, creative costume and easy hair style to achieve. You can probably rent or buy this costume online but because of the time period that this movie takes place in, you may find some clothing pieces at an antique market. Flowers for the hat you can pick up from a craft store and hot glue them. The famous carpet bag and bird umbrella that Mary Poppins carried with her, you can probably find something similar at a second hand store or vintage shop.
The finishing touches like gloves, scarf and her famous always kept clean and neat hair style will give your costume the final pizzazz. Mary Poppins always kept her hair up off her neck in a tight bun with the sides pined back. When her hat was off, she kept her sleeked back bangs high with volume. Whatever you choose, this is a costume with a fun statement.
A young girl named Alice falls through a rabbit hole into a fantasy world populated by peculiar, anthropomorphic creatures. This is another classic costume that will always stay popular because the story's lasting popularity with adults as well as with children. There are many different versions of Alice depicted when it comes to Halloween. There is the cute and innocent looking Alice many like to dress up as or Alice with a darker and spookier feel as well. Whatever you choose, the classic blue dress with white frilly apron is a must!
One thing about Alice, she had long blonde hair. A wig for Halloween is a easy choice for the old classic look or if you have some long golden locks, curling them up with a bit of hairspray will give you a more modern look to recent Alice images. Play around with your look. Have fun. It is Halloween and there are no rules.
If you know anything about Game Of Thrones, you would know this look is one of the top on the list of Cosplay and Halloween costumes. Queen Daenerys Targaryen, the younger sister of Rhaegar Targaryen and Viserys Targaryen. Her long ice white hair has started to become part of the hair culture that many try to achieve. She is usually seen wearing flowing fabrics while her icy hair has multiple braids twisted throughout her hair. You will be able to find her costume anywhere today online because of the popularity. You can also stop off at a second hand store and purchase some fabrics to give yourself that flowing look. A icy blonde wig is what you will be looking for to finish off this look. Or if you are a icy blonde, you too can have the popular Khaleesi look.
Bring out your inner Viking Queen with braids, hair jewelry, furs, makeup, bones and feathers. A striking and powerful look. This is a costume that can be an easy DIY project. Collect things from old shops, second hand stores and even outside! You never know what you may find on a walk through the forest. Become the warrior you have always been.
Whatever you choose for Halloween, remember to have fun with it. Explore and create. The wonderful thing about this special day is you can be anyone or anything. Limited possibilities. What will you be?